by Megan Montague Cash

Hello! I now have a new website.
I’ve had a website for 25 years. And, though I did update it, I didn’t do much with the design, which remained very web 1.0. The old website looked fine for, say, 2005.
So, with thanks to Megan Montague Cash and the design firm of New Boston Creative Group, I have a new website. Take a look around! And, hey, if you see any errors, let me know, won’t you? Also, I must add that I did a lot of page-moving myself — notably, the entire Crockett Johnson Homepage (established 1998!). So, some errors are certainly mine. And some errors belong to WordPress or DreamHost. A recent update has screwed up some special characters. BUT I’m going to try to tidy up as best I can.
Oh! If you came here looking for the blog, don’t worry! My Nine Kinds of Pie blog is still part of this site. One cool feature of the new version is that, for blog posts without featured images, Megan has created … nine kinds of pie! Fun!
As discerning readers will have noticed, Harold’s purple crayon is — happily, delightfully — the dominant motif of the new site. Megan has even created a portrait of me in the style of Crockett Johnson’s character — Johnson’s line and color palate, my glasses and lopsided smile. I’m really happy with how the new site looks! Hope you enjoy it, too!
Yes, I know that the meme is “New phone. Who dis?” I’m an English professor and, in print, I tend to be a bit less slang-y. If it makes you happy, please feel free to read the post’s title as “New site. Who dis?”
And do help yourself to some pie.
Jerrold Connors
Philip Nel