Note: The Crockett Johnson Homepage is an archived site. Any off-site links will almost certainly not work (but you might try plugging them in to the Wayback Machine). Also, if I were making this now, I’d include much larger images for all of the books. When I began this site back in 1998, the practice was to use thumbnails so as not to clog the dial-up modem. Then, you might link to a larger file for those who want to see it. I don’t have large files for all of these. So, it’s thumbnails only, I’m afraid.
However, I did a blog post on Harold Around the World back in 2014. So, if you’d like to see larger images of Harold and the Purple Crayon in many languages (including several not represented here), please check out that post.
— Philip Nel, 1 Feb. 2022
Crockett Johnson’s Books in Translation
La semilla de zanahoria (1978, 1993)
By Ruth Krauss, illustrated by Crockett Johnson, and translated by Argentina Palacios. The Carrot Seed (1945) in Spanish.
Su mamá, papá, y hermano mayor le dicen “que no brotará,” pero sin embargo el niñito cuida su semilla de zanahoria.
Tambien disponible en inglés y como cancion.
Harold y el lápiz color morado (1995)
Translated by Teresa Mlawer. Harold and the Purple Crayon (1955) in Spanish.
“Una noche, después de pensarlo mucho, Harold decidió ir a dar un paseo a la luz de la luna.” Asi comienza el primer libro de Harold y su lápiz color morado. Sale a pasear, usando el lápiz a dibujar la luna y un camino por donde caminar.
Harold y el lápiz color morado tambien disponible en inglés, italiano, finlandés, sueco, holandés, alemán, hebreo y chino.
Harold et le crayon rose (2001).
Translated by Anne-Laure Fournier le Ray. Harold and the Purple Crayon (1955) in French.
“Une nuit, Harold sortit de son lit pour aller se promener au clair de lune.”
Harold et le jardin enchanté (2001)
Translated by Anne-Laure Fournier le Ray. Harold’s Fairy Tale (1956) in French.
“Une nuit, Harold sortit de son lit pour aller se promener dans un jardin enchanté. Il prit son crayon rose avec lui, et il emmena la Lune aussi.”
Harold dans les étoiles (2001)
Translated by Anne-Laure Fournier le Ray. Harold’s Trip to the Sky (1957) in French.
“Une nuit, Harold se leva pour aller boire. Il prit la Lune pour éclairer le noir.”
Barnaby (1970)
Translated by Elena Spagnol. Italy: Oscar Mondadori, 1970. Barnaby (1943) in Italian.
Not pictured, but out there somewhere: Barnaby E Mr. O’Malley. Translated by Beppi Zancan. Italy: Oscar Mondadori, 1976. Barnaby and Mr. O’Malley (1944) in Italian.
Harold e la matita viola (2000).
Translated by Giulio Lughi. Italy: Einaudi Ragazzi, 2000. Both Harold and the Purple Crayon (1955) and Harold’s Trip to the Sky (1957) in Italian.
“Una sera, dopo averci pensato sopra un bel po’, Harold decise di fare una passeggiata al chiaro di luna.”
Ich mach mir meine eigne Welt. Freiburg (Germany) and Olten (Switzerland): Walter-Verlag, n.d. Harold and the Purple Crayon (1955) in German.
Paultje en het paarse krijtje.
Translated by Annie M. G. Schmidt. Amsterdam: De Bezige Bij. Harold and the Purple Crayon (1955) in Dutch.
“Oop een avond dacht Paultje: Weet je wat, ik ga een eindje wandelen in de maneschijn.”
Paultje op Mars.
Translated by Annie M. G. Schmidt. Amsterdam: De Bezige Bij. Harold’s Trip to the Sky (1957) in Dutch.
“Op een avond kwam Paultje uit bed om een beetje te drinken. Hi zorgde gauw voor een maan, om geen Griezelige Dingen te zien in het donker…”
Both Paultje books have been posted on this website
Een mand vol vis (1981)
By Bernadine Cook, illustrated by Crockett Johnson. The Little Fish That Got Away (1956) in Dutch.

Valtteri ja violetti väriliitu (1999)
Harold and the Purple Crayon (1955) in Finnish.
“Eräänä iltana Valtteri mietti pitkään ja päätti sitten lähteä kuutamokävelylle.”
Tullemand og det violette farvekridt (2000)
Harold and the Purple Crayon (1955) in Danish.
“En aften besluttede Tullemand, efter at have tænkt over det et stykke tid, at gå en tur i måneskinnet.”