Dancing on the Manhole Cover: The Genius of Richard Thompson (at The Comics Journal)

Richard Thompson, The Complete Cul de SacThe great Richard Thompson, creator of the best comic strip of the 21st century (so far), passed away last week. If you don’t know his Cul de Sac, you really should. The easiest way to acquaint yourself with its (and his) genius is to pick up a copy of The Complete Cul de Sac – two volumes, covering all 5 years, with an introduction by Art Spiegelman.

In case you need further persuasion, you might take a look at my brief essay in today’s issue of The Comics Journal.  Here’s a little excerpt:

Its ability to generate joy in each rereading is one reason that Cul de Sac will endure, even though its creator has left us. Richard Thompson lives on in his work precisely because his work is so alive. His line is loose but solid, scribbly yet calligraphic, energetic but focused. Each panel of Cul de Sac – heck, each corner of each panel – is full of art, humor, and character.

And here’s a Cul de Sac:

Richard Thompson, Cul de Sac, Feb 2011

Many other great tributes and essays:

More Cul de Sac posts on this blog:

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