Children's Literature as Public Humanities. CALL FOR PAPERS

Call for Papers: MLA, Jan. 8-11, 2006, Toronto

Children’s Literature As Public Humanities CFP for a non-guaranteed session sponsored by the MLA Forum on Children’s and Young Adult Literature. To be held at the 2026 MLA in Toronto, January 8-11, 2026. This roundtable invites consideration of children’s literature as public humanities. In distilling complex ideas into emotionally resonant stories, books for children and young

Children & Youth Studies Caucus. Logo by Megan Montague Cash

Two Calls for Papers: American Studies Association 2024

BOTH DEADLINES EXTENDED: Friday, 2 February 2024 TWO Calls for Papers: American Studies Association 2024 (Baltimore, November 14-17) 1: Children as Medical Subjects This Children and Youth Studies Caucus-sponsored panel seeks papers that consider the role of children and childhood in histories of medicine. From experiments across medical, scientific, and social scientific disciplines to issues of

CALL FOR PAPERS: MLA, Jan 4-7, 2024, Philadelphia

Call for Papers: Nostalgia in and for Children’s Literature CFP for a guaranteed session sponsored by the MLA Forum on Children’s and Young Adult Literature. To be held at the 2024 MLA in Philadelphia, January 4-7, 2024 Nostalgia is a transideological phenomenon. Its politics depend upon the direction of its longing. There’s the restorative variety that

Call for Papers: MLA, Jan. 7-10, 2021, Toronto

Comics and Graphic Narratives for Young Audiences Co-sponsored by the MLA Forum on Comics and Graphic Narratives and the MLA Forum on Children’s and Young Adult Literature. This panel for the 2021 MLA Convention in Toronto (Jan 7-10, 2021) explores intersections between children’s literature and comics (including manga and graphic novels). All periods and nations welcome. Children’s

Sesame Street

MLA 2019 Call for Papers! Sesame Street at 50

In 1969, Sesame Street made its debut on PBS in the U.S. It has since become not just an American institution, but an international one – broadcast in 150 countries, and in over 30 languages. This show – as cross-media and transnational phenomenon – is thus an ideal subject for the MLA’s textual transactions theme,

Jenny Sowry's Woke Baby

MLA 2018 Call for Papers! Calling Dumbledore’s Army: Activist Children’s Literature

Books can encourage children to question rather than accept the world as it is. Literature for young people can invite them to imagine a world where black lives matter, women’s rights are human rights, poverty does not limit one’s life choices, LGBTQ youth know they are loved, indigenous peoples’ rights are respected, the disabled have

Migration, Refugees, and Diaspora in Children’s Literature: Call for Papers (1 Nov. 2017)

A Special Issue of the Children’s Literature Association Quarterly Edited by Philip Nel Deadline: 1 November 2017 In September 2015, photos of three-year-old Alan Kurdi – his corpse washed ashore on a Turkish beach – came to symbolize the urgency of the Syrian refugee crisis. World leaders promised to do more, people debated whether printing the pictures

MLA 2017 Call for Papers! Border Conflicts: Migration, Refugees, and Diaspora in Children’s Literature

In September 2015, photos of 3-year-old Alan Kurdi – his corpse washed ashore on a Turkish beach – came to symbolize the urgency of the Syrian refugee crisis. World leaders promised to do more, people debated whether printing the pictures was appropriate, and charities experienced a surge in donations. In children’s literature, the figure of

Calls for Papers (Children’s Literature): MLA 2015, Vancouver, BC

Scholars of Children’s Literature, Young Adult Literature, Children’s Culture!  Attention! Here are some calls for papers, for the 2015 Modern Language Association, held from January 8 to 11, 2015, in Vancouver, British Columbia. All are sponsored or co-sponsored by the MLA’s Children’s Literature Division. Send in a proposal to one of the organizers!  Come to