Nearly 30 years ago, when my nephew Graeme was born, I sought music to give him. But most of what I found in record stores proved unsatisfying. (Why listen to kid-i-fied cover of a great song when you could listen to the original?) So, I started making mix tapes for kids – which later became mix CDs. Now that we have arrived in the era of the playlist, here’s a playlist (mixlist?) of songs about travel, all derived from those earlier mixes. Needless to say, all are suitable for children and their adults – though most were not written expressly for children.

Continuing this week’s theme of musical delights, tomorrow (Friday) we will party like it’s 1989. Or even 1979. Bring your dancing shoes!
The mixes/playlists thus far…
- Overpowered by Funk: (Mostly) Instrumental Grooves, 1967-1975 (23 songs, posted 17 Mar. 2019)
- Coffee Break! (35 songs, 18 Mar. 2019)
- You Can’t Do That: Over 100 Beatles Covers (120 songs, 19 Mar. 2019)
- Mah Na Mah Na: Italian Cinema, 1965-1976 (50 songs, 20 Mar. 2019)