Kansas’ Distinguished Professors call for end to International Student Ban

Yesterday, 98 distinguished professors from four Kansas universities called for an immediate end to the Trump administration’s cruel and reckless decision to revoke the visas of any international students attending a college that goes fully on-line this fall. The full text is on Kansas State University’s news pages, and Kansas State University’s English Department’s blog.

proposed Trump logo, satirically created by Sam Kuo

Why Trump Jails Crying Children. How We Resist. (A Twitter Essay)

1. The Trump regime feels threatened by crying children because they – and all refugees – refute the Trumpist/fascist lie that humanity depends upon citizenship. – Philip Nel (@philnel) June 21, 2018 2. As Hannah Arendt wrote of refugees, they “have lost all distinctive political qualities,” “lost all other qualities and relationships–except that they [are]

RESIST! Year #2 begins NOW.

On the one-year anniversary of Russia’s successful hacking of American democracy (congrats, Vlad!), a bit of encouragement for those who oppose the Trump regime’s assaults on healthcare, the environment, women’s rights, civil rights, human rights, the very idea of rights, basic human decency, and truth itself.  I’ve divided this into three sections: (1) a resistance

Brian Herrera: "I'm With Us" (301 of 304): "Hope requires" — Philip Nel

Resolutions for a New Academic Year: A survival guide for higher education in perilous times (Chronicle of Higher Education)

Over at The Chronicle of Higher Education today, I have a piece on “Resolutions for a New Academic Year: A survival guide for higher education in perilous times.” Here’s one of those resolutions: Teach students to use language well. We can help them to be wary of lazy euphemism — not just because it is bad

proposed Trump logo, satirically created by Sam Kuo

Surviving Trumpism. Restoring Democracy.

With apologies to Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Hamilton,… How does an unhinged, thin-skinned, son of a Scots and a Klansman, born into privilege and wealth, a thug who loves only himself, his money and his station, become the next leader of this nation? There are many reasons, including the false equivalency of the media (Clinton’s emails being