The exquisite corpse will drink the new cappuccino

Half-way through the “Surrealism: The Poetry of Dreams” exhibit at the Gallery of Modern Art (GoMA) here in Brisbane, museum-goers encounter this: A clever riff on the Surrealist game that exploits the mysteries of accidental juxtapositions, this mid-exhibit bar also offered a welcome rest to travel-weary visitors (such as your humble narrator, who visited the

Have a Psychedelic 4th of July

With a hat tip to Mark Newgarden‘s Facebook feed, here’s a short film made for the American Bicentennial.  Funded by a Bicentennial Project Grant and produced by the United States Information Agency, the cartoon looks like its director may have viewed Yellow Submarine a few too many times. The director is Vincent Collins.  Here’s a

Radical Children’s Literature Now!

Many folks who attended Julia Mickenberg’s and my “Radical Children’s Literature Now!” lecture today at the Children’s Literature Association Conference in Roanoke asked: “I didn’t get a handout.  Could I have one?”  Since we only made 200 copies, here is that handout.  (The entire lecture will be on the Children’s Literature Association’s website in the

Summertime: The Box Set

Happy First Day of Summer!  Here’s a “Summertime” box set.  I will now take your questions. Q: Are there good “summer” songs omitted from these four mixes? A: Yes, of course there are.  I came up with an additional 133 songs that I did not use. Q: Will you assemble more mixes including those songs?

Crockett Johnson and Ruth Krauss biography: The Text’s in the Mail

An update.  Shortly after yesterday’s blog post, my editor said I could go ahead and send it all in.  This means either that he (or someone else) will now seek places to cut or that it’s moving ahead to the copy-editing stage.  Either way, it’s off my desk until [unknown date]! With a mixture of

Crockett Johnson and Ruth Krauss: biography outtakes, Part 8

On Monday, I finished the eighth edit of The Purple Crayon and a Hole to Dig: The Lives of Crockett Johnson and Ruth Krauss, and sent it to my editor.  I’m really happy with all of the edits I’ve made.  I finally understand his advice, and have cut anything that feels purely “completist,” and focused

Paper Call: MLA, January 3-6, 2013, Boston

Each year the Children’s Literature Assocation is guaranteed one session at the MLA and can submit proposals for up to two more.* If you would like to propose a session topic, by June 17th please send the ChLA/MLA Liaison (Philip Nel: (1) a short description of your proposal idea, and, if relevant, (2) the

stack of books

Why Meghan Can’t Read

In an op-ed piece that the Wall Street Journal published as an article, Meghan Cox Gurdon criticizes contemporary young adult fiction for its darkness. As she writes, “it is … possible–indeed, likely–that books focusing on pathologies help normalize them and, in the case of self-harm, may even spread their plausibility and likelihood to young people