The President's Speech (1944): cover, illustrated by Hugo Gellert

Artists for FDR

To support President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s 1944 re-election campaign, Syd Hoff, Crockett Johnson, Lynd Ward, Hugo Gellert, William Gropper, and fourteen other artists illustrated this booklet. The text is FDR’s speech made before the Teamsters Union on September 23rd, 1944 – also known as the “Fala speech,” since it features his dog, Fala. Here is

The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making

The problem with a blurb from Neil Gaiman on a cover is that, invoking Gaiman, it inevitably diminishes the book by comparison.  This is not the book’s fault.  Gaiman is one of our most gifted contemporary writers.  Catherynne M. Valente may not be, but I wouldn’t even be thinking about the comparison if Gaiman’s endorsement

The exquisite corpse will drink the new cappuccino

Half-way through the “Surrealism: The Poetry of Dreams” exhibit at the Gallery of Modern Art (GoMA) here in Brisbane, museum-goers encounter this: A clever riff on the Surrealist game that exploits the mysteries of accidental juxtapositions, this mid-exhibit bar also offered a welcome rest to travel-weary visitors (such as your humble narrator, who visited the

Have a Psychedelic 4th of July

With a hat tip to Mark Newgarden‘s Facebook feed, here’s a short film made for the American Bicentennial.  Funded by a Bicentennial Project Grant and produced by the United States Information Agency, the cartoon looks like its director may have viewed Yellow Submarine a few too many times. The director is Vincent Collins.  Here’s a

Radical Children’s Literature Now!

Many folks who attended Julia Mickenberg’s and my “Radical Children’s Literature Now!” lecture today at the Children’s Literature Association Conference in Roanoke asked: “I didn’t get a handout.  Could I have one?”  Since we only made 200 copies, here is that handout.  (The entire lecture will be on the Children’s Literature Association’s website in the

Summertime: The Box Set

Happy First Day of Summer!  Here’s a “Summertime” box set.  I will now take your questions. Q: Are there good “summer” songs omitted from these four mixes? A: Yes, of course there are.  I came up with an additional 133 songs that I did not use. Q: Will you assemble more mixes including those songs?

Crockett Johnson and Ruth Krauss biography: The Text’s in the Mail

An update.  Shortly after yesterday’s blog post, my editor said I could go ahead and send it all in.  This means either that he (or someone else) will now seek places to cut or that it’s moving ahead to the copy-editing stage.  Either way, it’s off my desk until [unknown date]! With a mixture of