The final appendix omitted from my forthcoming biography of Crockett Johnson and Ruth Krauss (2012) also chronicles their early opposition to the war in Vietnam and – unusually – has Ruth’s name on it as well. Why did she sign this one? I think because she particularly abhorred violence. One of her friends told me that even cartoon violence upset her. As the previously posted Vietnam petition did, this one includes friends of Johnson and Krauss: Ad Reinhardt, Kay Boyle, Remy Charlip, Herman and Nina Schneider.
Appendix D
End Your Silence
[April 1965]
We are grieved by American policies in Vietnam. We are opposed to American policies in Vietnam. We will not remain silent before the world. We call on those who wish to speak in a crucial and tragic moment in our history, to demand an immediate turning of the American policy in Vietnam to the methods of peace.
A Protest of Artists and Writers
Lionel Abel
Samuel M Adler George Abbe William Alfred Jack Anderson Howard Ant Emil Antonucci Elise Asher George Anthony Rudolf Arnheim David Antin Eliot Asinof Edward Auert Rudolf Baranik Leonard Baskin Ed Baynard Jerome Beatty Jr Harold Becker Sylvia Berkman William Berkson Carol Berge Elizabeth C Beston Morris Bishop Paul Blackburn Sam Blum Louise Bogan Philip Bonosky Philip Booth David Boroff Sam Bradley Harvey Breit Germaine Bree Bessie Breuer James Brooks Michael E Brown Robert Brustein Stanley Buetens J R de la Torre Bueno Kenneth Burke Margaret F Cabell Hortense Calisher Victor Candell Emile Capouya Giorgio Cavallon Alan Churchill Robert M Chute Marvin Cherney Robert Clairborne Elizabeth Coatsworth Arthur A Cohen William Cole J L Collier Grandin Conover Jane Cooper Evan Connell Philip Corner M Jean Craig Robert M Cronbach Robert Dash Wesley Day June Oppen Degnan Dorothy Denner Guy Daniels Babette Deutsch Alexander Dobkin Nola L Dolberg Douglas F Dowd David Dempsey Robert Duncan Barrows Dunham Joe Early Galen Eberl George Economou Richard Ellman George P Elliott Kenward Elmslie Robert Engler Sylvette Engel Barbara Epstein Jason Epstein Seymour Epstein Clayton Eshleman Eleanor Estes Gertrude Ezorsky Edward Field Donald Finkel Joseph Fiore Richard B Fisher Dudley Fits Adrienne Foulke Kathleen Fraser Ronald Freelander Ann Freilich Lloyd Frankenberg Anne Fremantle Jean Forest Sideo Fromboluti Howard Fussiner Jean Garrigue Maxwell Geismar Jack Gelber Hans H Gerth William Gibson Rochelle Gierson Jean Gleason Herbert Gold Mimi Goldberg Mitchell Goodman Jonathan Greene Jean Gould Harold Greenfield Seymour Gresser Antonini Gronowicz Chaim Gross Rene Gross Barbara Guest Albert J Guerard |
Robert Gwathmey
Yvonne Hagen James Baker Hall Margaret Halsey Sid Hammer David Hare James Harrison Burt Hansen Curtis Harnack Robert Hatch H R Hays Robert C Hawley Robert Hazel Shirley Hazzard MacDonald Harris Thomas B Hess John H Hicks Joseph Hirsch George Hitchcock Daniel Hoffman Sandra Hochman Paula Hocks Margo Hoff Henry Beetle Hough Florence Howe Helen Howe Leo Hurwitz Emmett Jarett Paul Jacobs Jess Eddre Johnson Matthew Josephson Don Judd Mervin Jules H Peter Kahn Joseph Kaplan Allen Katzman Leandro Katz Calvin Kentfield Basil King William D King Katherine T Kinkead Freda Kirchway George Kirstein Erik Kiviat Neil Kleinmann Hans Konigsberger Karl Knaths Joseph Konzal Albert Kresch Seymour Kirm Louise Kruger Katharine Kuh Tuli Kupferberg Vera R Lachman Kenneth Lamott John Lange Jeremy Larner Alexander Lattimore Sidney Laufman James Laughlin Don La Viere Turner Jacob Leed Harry Levin Jack Levine Leonard C Lewen Si Lewen Oscar Lewis Betty Jean Lifton Linda Lindberg Ron Loewinsohn Ephraim London Walter Lowenfels Lois Lowenstein Robert M MacGregor Iris Lezak MacLow Jackson MacLow Leo Manso Jack Marshall David Mandell Leonore G Marshall Agnes Martin David McReynolds Amy Mendelson Sidney Meyers Robert Mezey Edwin H Miller Warren Miller Harry T Moore Frederick Morgan Ira Morris Frederick Morton Martin S Moskof Howard H Myer Daniel Nagrin Alice Neel Mary Perot Nichols Robert Nichols Iris Noble James L Nusser Ned O’Gorman |
George Oppen
Mary Oppen Robert Osborn Barbara Overmyer Rochelle Owens Alfredo De Palchi Raymond Parker Felix Pasilis David Pascal Merle Peek Geri Pine Paul Prensky Simon Perchik Henri Percikow Prudencio De Pereda Virgilia Peterson James Tenney Anthony Toney Edna Amadon Toney Paul Ellsworth Triem Eve Triem Niccolo Tucci Marvin Tucker John R Tunis Jules Rabin Henry Rago Robert E Rambusch Margaret Randal F D Reeve Dan Rice Carol Ritter Henry Robbins Ralph Robin M G Rogers Meyers Rohowsky W K Rose Barney Rosset Henry Roth Rose Rosberg Arthur Sainer Joop Sanders Donald Schenker Steven J Schneider Carolee Schneeman Armand Schwerner Richard Seaver Thalia Selz Peter Selz Bernard Seeman Wilfred Sheed Herman Shumlin Maurice Sievan Ernest J Simmons Joel Sloman Michael Smith Joseph Solman Jay Socin Theodore Solotaroff Virginia Sorenson Moses Soyer Raphael Soyer A B Spellman Nora Speyer George Starbuck Frances Steloff Stan Steiner Emma G Sterne Brita Stendahl Ruth Stephan Daniel Stern May Stevens Donald Stewart Harold Strauss George Sugarman Elizabeth Sutherland Wylie Sypher Greta Sultan Mark Di Suvero Constance Urdang Stan Vanderbeek Robert Vas Dias Tony Vevers Mariusa Ver Brugghe Esteban Vicente Elizabeth Gray Vining Amos Vogel Ivan Von Auw Ira Wallach Theodore Weiss Nat Werner Mildred Weston Allen B Wheelis Morton White Dan Wickenden Theodore Wilentz Mrs Wm Carlos Williams Mitchell Wilson Sol Wilson Clara Winston Richard Winston Israel G Young Jack Youngerman Adja Yunkers |
Many other signatures were received too late to be included
This statement was formulated three weeks before the President annoucned that he was willing to begin “unconditional discussions” with “the foe.” Will his speech be followed by action? – peaceful, responsible action, NOT the further use of force? The American people have begun, in letters to Washington and in the statements published by other concerned groups, to voice their horror at a policy of violence. The President has replied to this expression of public opinion. Let us not now relax our insistence on the immediate cessation of bombings in North Vietnam. Let us support that part of Mr Johnson’s speech which seems to offer hope of negotiations, and at the same time let us persist energetically in expressing our opposition to any but peaceful policies. WRITE TO THE PRESIDENT.
Co-secretaries: Denise Levertov : Mitchell Goodman : WRITERS AND ARTISTS PROTEST Post Office Box 1356 Church St. Station New York NY 10008.
Source: “END YOUR SILENCE,” advertisment, New York Times, 18 Apr. 1965, p. E5.
Posts tagged Crockett Johnson or Ruth Krauss or Biography will all likely lead you to something connected to the biography. Trust me. If you don’t trust me (and why would you?), here’s an incomplete list of other posts:
- Appendix A: American Committee for Spanish Freedom (July 2011). I cut all four appendices. This is the first one.
- Appendix B: We Are for Wallace (July 2011). And this is the second one.
- Appendix C: Assembly of Men and Women in the Arts Concerned with Vietnam (Sept. 2011). The third one.
- Preview: biography of Johnson and Krauss. First sentence and last sentence (Sept. 2011).
- Invent Title for My Book, Win Signed Copy of the Book (Aug. 2011). Editor dislikes title. I “crowdsource” it to readers, and get lots of suggestions. Have submitted leading contenders to editor. No decision as yet on final title.
- Crockett Johnson and the Purple Crayon: A Life in Art (Aug. 2011). My 2004 Comic Art article on the life of Crockett Johnson. Now available for free as either pdf or a series of jpgs.
- Going Back to High School – 90 Years Back (Aug. 2011). A glimpse into Crockett Johnson’s high school days.
- He Was a Teenage Harold: Crockett Johnson’s High School Cartoons (Aug. 2010). Johnson’s earliest work, published under his given name of David Johnson Leisk.
- The Text’s in the Mail (June 2011): in which I send the final version of the manuscript to my editor.
- News, Thanks, and Apologies (May 2011): in which I apologize for the post below, and indicate my current plan of action.
- Update, Featuring First 5 Paragraphs of the Book! (May 2011): ill-advised post, in which I express irritation and conflicting signals from editor. I shouldn’t have posted this.
- On a First-Name Basis with People I’ve Never Met (Jan. 2011): early version of bit I added to intro.
- biography outtakes, part 8 (June 2011): now featuring despair!
- biography outtakes, part 7 (June 2011): killing my darlings. Some bits that I like but that do not need to be retained… and thus have been cut!
- biography outtakes, part 6 (May 2011): some of the notes removed from this current round of editing.
- biography outtakes, part 5 (Dec. 2010): this and those below are from the round of edits I did in the fall. In that round of editing, I removed 10,000 words.
- biography outtakes, part 4 (Nov. 2010).
- biography outtakes, part 3 (Nov. 2010).
- biography outtakes, part 2 (Nov. 2010).
- biography outtakes, part 1 (Nov. 2010).